January 26, 2025

New News
We hope everyone enjoyed the snow this past week!
Practice Schedule for the week is posted below
Bowling this Friday in Charlotte - information below
Team Store - Open Please see link below
Taco Fest next month - see information below
Please read entire newsletter weekly to make sure you are getting all the information.

*Please keep your notifications on for your team page in case there are any changes or cancellations.
The tournaments have been posted.
Please visit www.beaufortelite.org/tournaments
Each page has the teams attending at the top.
We have a google calendar you can add to your personal google calendar. www.beaufortelite.org/calendar
Tropical Ice Challenge
We will be having a Bowling Night this Friday, January 31, 2025 in Charlotte, NC. Players are free (includes bowling, shoes, and game card) Families are welcome to attend but will responsible for their rentals. Please visit your team page and click yes if you will be attending. We need a head count early in the week to let the facility know how many are coming. Thanks!
Spectator tickets are on sale now. Click the image below to view tournament information and for the link to purchase tickets.
Photos and Videos
If you have any photos or videos from the tournament, please share them with us. Every tournament weekend we put a post under the Elite group on our app where you can comment with all of your phots and or videos. We love sharing. Help be our photographer.
You can share them on the Post in the app, your team page or you can email them to lesliewebb@beaufortelite.org
Taco Fest
This is a free event for players and familes. Please click the photo for more information and to RSVP.
USAV Academy
If you have already purchased your membership for this season, you will need to complete the yearly trainings with USAV. You can find a list of trainings on our website along with instructions. I have noticed that this year they have added a USAV Academy link on the homepage of the sports engine account to make it easier to find. Hope this helps. If you have questions please reach out to your coach or contact the club.
If you have not joined the team page, please click the link to request to join. This will be where you get all the information include practices times and or changes.
If you have not purchased your required membership yet, please click the button below. You will purchase the league membership. The cost should be $18.
Registration now open ! Extended!
Team Store
New Items have been added!
If there are any items you would like to see in the store let us know!

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
9AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: (843) 865-6214
If not answer, Please leave a message

*Don't forget to follow us on our socials!