A letter from our Director
This is the week we have been waiting for! As the director of Beaufort Elite Volleyball, I have to say that tryouts is one my favorite times of the year. I love seeing our players return after their school season with new skills and enjoy meeting new players too!
Beaufort Elite, formerly Beaufort Volleyball Club, has run developmental programs for the last 9 years. We have worked for years to develop players and watched them successfully make middle, JV and Varsity teams. We are proud that some of our players have gone on to play at the college level and it is always heartwarming when they drop by to visit. Beaufort Elite has the most experienced coaches in both club and school volleyball programs.
It is amazing to be a part of the growing interest and participation in volleyball in our area. Currently there are 5 volleyball clubs serving Beaufort, Bluffton and Hilton Head. We are challenged every year with finding gym space, qualified coaches, and selecting athletes for our teams. We have been discussing the possibility next year of combining some of the local clubs and forming one big club. Collectively we are
working hard to build an 18 court facility similar to what currently exists in Rock Hill and Myrtle Beach.
Our club is looking forward to another season of growth for our athletes. We are confident in your talent and skills and the hard work that you have invested to get to tryouts. Our coaches are excited to guide and shape you into a better athlete, teammate, and person.
If you are trying out for multiple clubs please remember to fill out a multi Club Tryout Disclosure form. Once you commit to a club, you must notify all remaining clubs of your decision in 1 hour. A decision should be made within 48 hours of your last offer to help move the process on for other families and assist Club Directors.
We are excited for this upcoming season and can’t wait to see you on the court!!
Mike Dixon, Director, Beaufort Elite
12U-13U Try out players: Try outs will resume tomorrow Friday November 4, 2022 @6PM
Robert Smalls International Academy
*We are still accepting new registrations. Click the link Below for registration.
Registration is still open for 15U-18U teams!
Please note the dates and times for upcoming tryouts.
Make sure to fill out registration and purchase a try out membership.
Click on the link below.

Developmental and Boys League registrations will open on December 1st.

If you have any questions our phone business hours are from: 9am-5pm
We are always available through email.
Main: beaufortelitevolleyball@gmail.com
Operations: lesliewebb@beaufortelite.org